Respro® Masks FAQ: What’s the difference between N95 and P1 mask standards?

Basically we place this disclaimer on the product to ensure that people do not start using them in workplace environments. The mask has been tested to EN149 FFP1 status which is the equivalent of N95.

N99/ 97/95 is a certification process for disposable respirators for dust for use in Industrial applications. The testing process is carried out by Niosh Accredited testing houses which provide certificates of approval.

We have masks that have equivalent European ratings, The EV range are rated P1 (N95) P2 (N97) P3 (N99).

Our Neoprene products are primarily used in non-industrial sectors; motorcycle, cycle markets. However we feel that it is important for our products to conform to industrial standards as a measure of effectiveness when marketing to the general public.

EN149 is a homologated European standard applicable for the use of face masks in the workplace for the filtration of dusts and water soluble aqueous mists. The test protocol used is primarily based on the masks ability to filter a given percentage of particulate material by means of seal and filter media.

Our Sportsta™ and Techno™, Allergy™ and FB-1™ masks are manufactured within the technical specification for EN149FFP1 for solid and liquid aerosols (i.e. mists).

To find answers to any other questions, see Respro® Mask FAQ on this blog or on our website

About Respro® UK Ltd

Respro® Masks: Cycle masks, motorcycle masks and allergy masks. External wear for internal protection.
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19 Responses to Respro® Masks FAQ: What’s the difference between N95 and P1 mask standards?

  1. Nassar says:

    I want to inquiry about buying a surgical respirator from china and the package mentiond EN 149 :2001medical infection control, How can I confirmed the reality of manufacturing and efficacy of filltering, Can I considere it N95?

    Looking forward to hearing from you


    • Hi Nasar, What is the certification of the product?

      • Nassar says:

        There is no certificate and by mentiond it what is information should be written in the certificate?
        Should company mention clearly in the certificate that product undergoing european standard to meet fillter requirment especialy the item made in china not in Europ?

      • Nassar says:

        One more question please, does this statement : water soluble fillteration means the paticles during coughing or sneezing from COIVD_19 patient?

  2. keilnoth says:

    This is incorrect. P1 have 80% efficiency and not 95%.
    Read here:

    • Hi,

      Please be aware that your opinion may be the start of some misinformation, this type of behaviour only serves to misinform the general populous, which is not good practice.

      If you read the information above correctly, it uses the word ‘minimum’.

      FFP1 has an allowable leakage of 20% ……..not, “it only filters out 80%”.

      If the seal is a good seal it can filter out more than 95%. The filter material used is the same spec filter material as for an N99 or P3 mask. The key in any mask is the seal, so the primary difference between an N95 and N99 mask or P1/P3 mask will be the seal.

      Team Respro®

  3. Peter says:

    I bought this mask to protect my wife and myself against corona virus. Can u pls tell me the FFP equivalent of Respro Allergy (i bought additional DACC filters) and Respro City?

    • Hi Peter


      There are two standards that are regularly used in the rating of masks:

      1. US standard

      – NIOSH air filtration rating uses the percentage of particles that are removed when a mask is fitted and used correctly according to the instructions.

      N95 – a mask rated N95 should block 95% of the particles passing through the filter material.

      N99 – a mask rated N99 should block 99% of the particles passing through the filter material.

      1. European standard EN149

      – EUROPEAN standard EN149 uses the the following classes FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3

      FFP1 – is equivalent to a mask rated N95

      FFP2 – is equivalent to a mask rated between N95 and N99

      FFP3 – is equivalent to a mask rated N99

      We do supply a FFP3 rated mask which is equivalent to the N99 rating. The Streetsmart and the EV masks we supply both are the highest rated products we supply.

      Our sports masks would be equivalent to N95.


      Products with brand names like N99 are misleading. VOG mask as far as their website information do not offer an N99 rated product despite the name 99CV being used.

      for example: “Vogmask N99CV is CE Certified FFP1 R Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Directive 89/686/EEC”

      This product would be an N95 product which is a lower standard than N99.

      Cambridge mask has no mask certification at all.

      I have provided an overview to assist you.

      If you need any additional info or help I’m here.

      Best regards,
      Harrison | Respro® UK Customer services

  4. hi, who is there in india to be contacted. earlier we used to get directly from you !! thanks vivek vashistha http://WWW.BVMMKT.COM (NEW DELHI)

  5. Hugo Chan says:

    Did the “combination filter” test with BFE, VFE and PFE?

  6. Hugo Chan says:

    FFP1 has a filter efficiency of 80%, while N95 has 95%, why you claim FFP1 is equivalent to N95?

  7. Vassili says:

    Hi, I am now in China and I am using the Ultralight™ Mask with Cinqro™ Urban Chemical/Particle filter . Is the this mask suitable for the coronavirus too?


    • Hi Vassili,

      Viral infection is transmitted in two major ways:

      1. By airborne transmission.
      2. By coming into physical contact with viral material and self administering the virus by hand to mouth or nose actions.

      Viral protection is best attended to in two ways.

      1. Use a respiratory mask that has Activated Charcoal Cloth (combination filter) as it has the ability to adsorb viral matter in the nano range of sizes by means of adsoprtion. Whilst a P2/P3 industry face mask will trap particulates which may well carry viral matter, they are seldom bespoke and come in one size. This increases the chance of a misfit by the user, especially if used by children or if they are not shown how to fit a mask properly or undergo a fit test~This means that a percentage of unfiltered air will bypass the filter completely. So whether that rated mask is P1/2 or 3, is not a significant factor. The correct fit and the seal are!

      Suitable masks with a combination filter:

      Techno Mask- (suitable for commuting)
      Cinqro Mask – (suitable for Sport)
      Ultralight Combo – (suitable for Sport)
      Sportsta Combo – (suitable for Sport)
      Allergy Combo – (suitable for commuting)
      Skin plus Techno upgrade kit – (suitable for Sport)
      Techno Plus – (suitable for Sport)

      A combination filter would be suitable for exhaust pollution (VOC’s and PM 2.5’s) airborne viral and bacterial matter, and cigarette smoke.

      A combination filter has both a Hepa-type filter layer and a DACC layer. This combination of Hepa-type filter layer and DACC in one single filter provides submicron (smaller than PM 2.5) dust filtering capability, together with DACC capability for filtering gases (VOC’s /Acid gases), vapours and viral matter in the nano range of sizes by means of adsoprtion. It is the best type of filter available in our range for dealing with the broad spectrum of vehicle and non vehicular pollutants commonly found in major cities across the globe.

      They can be found here:

      2. By use of a Sanitiser that kills viral and bacterial matter found on common surfaces which are continuously handled. That could be door handles, light switches, TV remotes, communal surfaces and on mass transit systems from buses, trains and metro or at work on shared surfaces, in lifts etc.

      We are running a Travel Sanitiser program whereby every mask order comes with a free bottle of water based sanitiser, a must for all who travel on mass transit systems. It is Non-Toxic, kills 99.9% of all common germs and bacteria and is hand sized and an excellent travel product for everyday use. – best used on a daily basis. Please visit the following link to see the how to clean a mask using the Respro® sanitiser spray

      Let me know if you need any further information.

      Best regards,
      Harrison | Respro® UK Customer Services

  8. rom says:

    Hello, Which One have P3 (N99)? Thanks.

    • Hi,
      We do supply an FFP3 rated mask which is equivalent to the N99 rating. The Streetsmart and the EV masks we supply both are the highest rated products we supply. Our sports masks would be equivalent to N95.

      If you need any additional info or help I’m here.

      Best regards,
      Harrison | Respro® UK Customer services

  9. MP Jain says:

    Thanks for the clarification. I have a P1 mask and was told to wear N95 mask to protect myself against the deadly Delhi pollution of 1000 AQI

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